Rainforest Rangers is a program of Gondwana Rainforest Trust, with a mission to restore the Earth's rainforests.

1 million trees by June 2025

The immediate goal of Rainforest Rangers is to establish 1 million new rainforest trees by June 2025. This will be achieved through science-based methods for reforestation including tree planting and assisted natural regeneration. Projects are monitored and audited regularly to maintain accurate records and reporting and targets are reviewed every three years.

Rainforest Rangers is contributing to the Trillion Tree Campaign, a project announced at the 2020 World Economic Forum which aims to establish one trillion trees worldwide by the end of the decade. This campaign provides support to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2020-2030), led by UNEP and FAO.

To find out more about Gondwana Rainforest Trust, please visit www.gondwanarainforesttrust.org or email [email protected]

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