Your donation will help to restore rainforest ecosystems in the biodiversity hotspot of Gunung Leuser, north Sumatra through the removal of oil palm plantations and the reforestation of these plantations back into rainforest. This region has experienced immense degradation caused by deforestation for illegal palm oil plantations and extensive logging.

Gunung Leuser is one of 18 regions classified by the WWF for global ecoregion importance for preservation of the world's biodiversity and where palm oil plantations have destroyed vast areas of rainforest.

The wider Sumatran lowland rainforest of Indonesia runs for 1600km down the length of Sumatra, Indonesia. The Sumatran lowland rainforest is recognised globally for its exceptional biodiversity with many rare, endangered and unique species coexisting including the Sumatran tiger, elephant, orangutan and over 500 species of birds. The trees in the lowland rainforest canopy can reach 90 meters in height creating striking and remarkable habitat.

Our partners in Sumatra removing oil palms. This oil palm plantation will be reforested into rainforest.

Growing seedlings of native rainforest tree species to reforest oil palm plantation areas within the National Park.


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