Great work Queenslanders! Last month saw a mini milestone reached, with the planting of tree number 6,000 at our site on the Atherton Tablelands.

Rainforest Rangers like you are making an impact!

Our goal for this project, Restoring Habitat for Endangered Species, is 11,900 trees so we've passed the halfway mark! Well done everyone!

The size of the planted area is impressive, with 2 hectares of previously cleared land now planted out and on its way back to being beautiful rainforest habitat. These trees are restoring cloud forests for endangered species including the Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo and the lemuroid and green ringtail possums, which are restricted to the cooler parts of the Atherton Tablelands and higher areas of the Wet Tropics. 

We visited the site last week to check on the trees and they all look fantastic. Recent rain has watered them all in and there's lots of new growth. 

This project will be completed with the planting of another 5,900 trees in the next wet season - December 2024 to April 2025. Until then, the work will focus on maintenance as it's essential to keep the weeds down to prevent competition. For every tree planted, 3 years of maintenance follows. 

New growth. The trees are growing quickly.

For more information on this project, please see the project page.

A big thank you to Australian brand Dairy Farmers for their significant sponsorship that kicked off this project! You can read about their support here






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